Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Maldives Boat Crisis Update (4)

The ship carrying the people who were on the dhoni from Addu, is now entering Vaavu Atoll.

International observers and news media are already on the way to Vaavu Atoll now to get some first hand information. Are there any South Asian reporters in their midst? We will find out on this evening's news bulletins and tomorrow morning's papers whether Maldivians can consider themselves South Asians and whether South Asian identity is based on the solidarity of regional regimes.

In the meanwhile, the Dhivehi Observer in a report about this crisis carries a photo of the Indian-supplied ship with its new name, Huravee.


Anonymous said...

I have just read more details on this case here: Maldives Today. It's unimaginable!

Anonymous said...

maumoon is a big liar and we maldivian are fedup listening to his lies. Both he and his cabinet are talking nonsense. I am sure maumoon and his cronies forgetting they will die one day and will have to answer to Allah. Because they are so greedy and corrupt.If Pinnochio Maumoon keeps lying his nose will reach to India. We can use his lying nose as a bridge to India. Please stop lying to us.
He is like Cockerel that believes the sun comes up to listen to him crowing.

The old masthead

The old masthead