Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Maldives Boat Crisis Update (3)

Reports are that everyone aboard the dhoni has been handcuffed and taken on board the Huravee, formerly INS Tillachang. The Indian-supplied ship is headed north and it has been announced that the ship is heading towards Male.


Anonymous said...

There are reports that the maldivian coast guard and the police acted very brutally while arresting the unarmed civilians on the boat...there are reports of horrific injuries....anyone investigating this can confirm this if they are allowed to meet the people onboard.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why that the Indian media is not covering the crisis in Maldives....there is mass arrests,torture,police brutality, and a brutal dictatorship going on in the maldives right now...European, British and American journalists and media are on there even now, but not one indian journalist or media is present....

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